
Special Services

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Speech Sound Therapy

Achieve your best Speech Clarity: we focus on specialized articulation therapy techniques designed to enhance speech sound and clarity for both pediatric or adult clients.

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Language Therapy

Experience our personalized language therapy services designed to develop comprehension and expression of language.

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Fluency Therapy

Fluent Communication Made Easy: We focus on specialized fluency therapy techniques that are designed to empower individuals individuals with fluency disorders, including stuttering and cluttering.

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Cognitive-Communication Therapy

Cognitive-Communication Empowerment: The specialized language therapy techniques are designed to strengthen communication and cognitive skills in individuals facing challenges due to cognitive impairments, including dementia, traumatic brain injury, and stroke.

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Social Communication Therapy

Our individualized therapy approach focuses on empowering individuals who face challenges with social communication skills, including interpreting nonverbal cues, initiating conversations, and sustaining meaningful interactions.

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Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Therapy

AAC Empowerment: The AAC system is designed to support and assisting individuals having concerns and difficulties with verbal speech or language production. This is most often used among individuals with developmental disabilities, autism.

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Oral Motor Therapy

Revitalize Your Oral Skills: The Oral Motor Therapy is tailored for individuals facing concerns with weakened muscles used for speech and eating, including those with dysarthria or dysphagia .

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